Play, explore, create and investigate art in these fun Toddle Tate sessions for children under 5 and their grown-ups. Have fun exploring the galleries and enjoy our Foyle Studio, which will become a space for multi-sensory play and exploring exciting materials.
Drop in anytime between 10.30 and 12.30.
Touch, transfer, collage and create! Explore textures and enjoy tactile and sensory making inspired by artist Beatriz Milhazes.
Pose, paint and play! Create playful portraits of your family and friends. Enjoy sensory play and make art in the galleries, inspired by the artist Małgorzata Mirga-Tas.
Squish and Sculpt! Join the Leach Pottery team in our Toddle Tate Studio to get creative with clay. Explore sensory sculpture in the Modern Conversations display through materials, play and making.