Ben Nicholson OM
1924 (first abstract painting, Chelsea)

Dame Barbara Hepworth
Three Forms

John Piper
Abstract I
The group’s first exhibition was held in 1920. The exhibition catalogue explained that the society was not formed ‘to advertise a new “ism” – [we] feel that there has of late been too much pioneering along too many lines in altogether too much of a hurry.’ This perfectly encapsulates the ‘return to order’ attitude.
However, in 1924 Ben Nicholson, one of the pioneers of abstract art in Britain, joined the Seven and Five. He was followed by other modernists including Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore and later, John Piper. They effectively hijacked the group, expelling the non-modernists. In 1935 they renamed it the Seven and Five Abstract Group and held the first all abstract exhibition in Britain at the Zwemmer Gallery in London.