Pierre Bonnard thought a lot about memory and colour. Bonnard was born in 1867 and was a French artist.
He wanted his painting to be little windows into his life. He mainly painted domestic scenes, this means scenes that are in the home and show normal life in his kitchen, bathroom and garden.

Pierre Bonnard
Bonnard didn’t just paint what he saw. He painted from memory. He would be inspired by what he saw, he would reflect on it for a while and then paint it later in his studio. A lot of his painting were from memories, and memories can be a bit fuzzy sometimes.

Draw your own Bonnard-inspired breakfast. Photo credit: Alex Wojcik
Try this: Think about what you had for breakfast this morning. Did you eat it at the kitchen table, while on the bus, while walking to school? Take a picture of that moment in your head. Think about the colours of that image. Are they bright or dull colours? Does one colour stand out? How were you feeling when you ate your breakfast this morning? Try and draw a picture of that moment. You could even draw the memory of your breakfast on a paper plate.