Ex-Centris Performance photo
Photo © Manuel Vason, 2002
Aim for the day
To bring together practitioners and academics from Denmark and the UK with a commitment to research-based practice in the museum to share ideas in order to map where we are at the moment so as to move our thinking beyond current tried and tested theories and methods and work towards a strategy for museum-based research.
- Focus for the presentations in the morning: current practices, what theories and methodologies are we using at the moment, what has it told us so far?
- Focus for the group discussions in the afternoon: what next, what are the theories and methods we are looking to, what are the next questions?
- Intended output: a summary/map of key ideas, methods and theories that will form the basis of a strategy for museum-based research.
Following this event colleagues from museums and galleries have put together short essays on their experiences of learning and methodologies for galleries which give us an insight into the workings of practice-based research and gallery education methodologies.
- Berit Anne Larsen, Director of Learning & Interpretation, National Gallery of Denmark
- Mette Houlberg, Art Interpreter, National Gallery of Denmark
- Pernille Jensen, Exhibition Design, National Gallery of Denmark
- Annette Rosenvold Hvidt, Art Interpreter, National Gallery of Denmark
- Karen Grøn, Director, Trapholt
- Kirsten Jensen, Audience Development Manager and Head of Learning
- Trine Nissen, Head of Communications
- Nina Udby Granlie, Collection Manager
- Vera Westergaard, Exhibits Director
- Mette Hanghøi, Project Manager, Trapholt
- Christina Back, Producer, Exhibitions, The Royal Library
- Maja Gro Gudnersen, Research Assistant, The Royal Library
- Ane Pilegaard, Phd Fellow And Research Assistant, Medical Museion
- Emily Pringle, Head of Learning Practice and Research, Tate
- Professor Patricia Thomson, University of Nottingham
- Alice Fox, University of Brighton
- Bernadette Buckley, Goldsmiths College
- Brad Irwin, Learning Research Manager, The Natural History Museum
- Emma Peagram, Evaluation and Research Manager, The Natural History Museum
- Esme Ward, Head of Learning and Engagement, Manchester Museum and the Whitworth Art Gallery