Supervised by Professor Michelle Henning, Chair in Photography and Media; Dr Jordana Blejmar, Senior Lecturer in Visual Media and Cultural Studies; and Alison Jones, Programme Manager: Public and Community Learning, Tate Liverpool.
October 2021 –

Installation view of Traces of Memory, at Tate Liverpool, 2023. Photo © Emily Beswick
My research investigates forms of looking and engagement with photographs of the Chinese community in Liverpool through newspaper, documentary and family photograph archives, and using autobiographical, creative and participatory approaches.
At Tate Liverpool I recently coordinated the ‘Traces of Memory’ participatory project, which used creative methods to uncover the stories within family photographs belonging to East and South East Asian individuals in Liverpool. The outcomes were exhibited at Tate Liverpool’s Learning Studio in September 2023.
About Emily Beswick
Emily is a researcher interested in the intersection of diasporic histories, archives and photography, particularly in relation to Chinese and East and South East Asian diasporas in the United Kingdom. She is a member of the British Art Network, a Trustee of Kakilang and an organiser with the Liverpool East and South East Asian Network.
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