Patrick Goddard, Animal Antics, 2021, 4K video, b/w, 5.1 sound, 37 min 54 sec
Patrick Goddard’s Animal Antics is a philosophical and comical short story. Shot at the London Zoo, the film portrays the conversations between Sarah, a young human, and Whoopsie, her talking dog, about the troubled state of nature.
Roman Selim Khereddine, behind a thousand bars no world, 2023, colour video, 20 min 38 sec
Roman Selim Khereddine’s behind a thousand bars no world discloses the state of zoological gardens in Palestine through news and reports written about them in the media. The film reflects on the conditions of confinement, territorial deprivation and impoverished living conditions experienced by animals and humans.
Jeannette Muñoz, Strata of Natural History, 2012, 16mm film, 11 min 45 sec
Jeannette Muñoz’s Strata of Natural History poetically portrays the artist’s search for traces of the Kawéskar indigenous people exhibited in European zoos during the 1880s. Combining archival materials and present-day footage to entangle Chile’s past and present naturecultures (a concept, coined by Donna Haraway, that assumes that nature and culture are co-dependent and cannot be separated).
Simone Forti, Untitled, 1974, VHS tape transferred to black and white video, 29 min
Closing the programme, Simone Forti’s Untitled is a rare documentation of her engagement with zoo animals. Shots of animals in captivity alternate with images of Forti. Locked up in an empty indoor space, she moves like a zoo animal: crawling, striding, endlessly pacing back and forth.
Conversations between Filipa Ramos and the filmmakers